Heading west from Xiangtian Pond there are two footpaths: one leads to Tamsui's Xingfuliao and is about 1.6 km; the other to Beitou's Qingtian Temple and is about 2.2 km long. If parking at Erziping, the paths to Xingfuliao and Qingtian Temple are both downhill. Xingfuliao is the western most point heading into the National Park. It is about 2 km away from Qingtian Temple and is connected by Industry Road. The Xingfuliao Historical Trail is one of the old roads leading from Beitou to Tamsui's Beixinzhuang. The well-maintained trail has clear signs along the way and stone steps. Most of the trail is downhill making it an easy and agreeable walk.
Xiangtian Pond is the most intact example of a volcanic crater in the National Park. A round-shaped pool, Xiangtian Pond is surrounded by mountains and lush greenery on all sides. It becomes a pond only when it rains enough to fill it. Heading in from Erziping through the pine forest trail, it takes about an hour and a half for a full, leisurely trip to and from the pond.
Parking Lot
Get on 108 park bus at the Yangmingshan main bus terminal
Body surface is coarse and covered with glandular particles. Its Chinese name is derived from the black protrusions around the eyes and head. Body color ranges from yellow-brown to dark-brown. Mating season falls from winter to spring. Rarely croaks outside of mating season.
Species of the Rhacophoridae family are arboreal. Toes spread into toe pads with Y-shaped cartilage inside. In between the last two joints are intercalary cartilage that aids in tree-climbing. Vertebrae are anteriorly concave. Sternum is shield-shaped. Tadpoles have one exhalent aperture on their left side. Possesses horn-like teeth. Body green to light green in color. Webbed feet and abdomen yellow without markings.
The backs of these young lizards are black with three to five golden vertical stripes and a vibrantly blue tail. As it matures, its body gradually turns brown and the golden stripes and blue tail fade in color. Adults have a light-brown body with red vertical stripes along the side.
The common rush is found in mainland China, Korea, Japan and Americas. In Taiwan, common rush is found in wet areas in the mountains, plains, and next to sources of water. It is a perennial herbaceous aquatic plant with a short, creeping rhizome dense with fibrous roots. The stalks grow in upright clusters and are cylindrical and solid. The sheath at base of the stem is brown, thin, and cylindrical.
Latin name: Bambusa dolichomerithalla Hayata There are many species of bamboo found within the Yangmingshan area. The blow-pipe bamboo is so named because of its red-brown color, which resembles a blow pipe. It is different from other bamboo species because of its longer nodes. The cut bamboo can be used to divert water, blow air through, etc. Cut into thin strips, the bamboo can be weaved into baskets.
Latin name: Rubus sumatranus Miq. The glandular-calyx raspberry is commonly seen in the dry grasslands of Yangmingshan at altitudes above 600 meters. It is a tropical rainforest plant that belongs to the Rosaceae family. Thorns on the vines will often stick to visitors' clothing and is quite annoying. Its 5 white petals usually extend horizontally, and its fruit is large and bright red. Flowering season for this unique mountainous plant falls in February.