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Yangjin Highway Pedestrian Trail Bailaka Highway Pedestrian Trail Lengshuikeng-Qingtiangang Pedestrian Trail Mt. Qixing bus stop to Lengshuikeng Pedestrian Trail Jingshan Road and Xinyuan Street Pedestrian Trail
  • Lengshuikeng visitor center → Hot spring baths → Menghuan Pond parking lot →To Mt. Qixing (Xiaoyoukeng Trailhead)

    →Arrow Bamboo Trailhead→Xiaoyoukeng Bridge parking lot→ Mt. Qixing bus stop

  • Total distance 4.1 km, average slope 3-10 degrees, entire journey takes about 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Mt. Qixing bus stop to Lengshuikeng Pedestrian Trail

Public transportation
  1. Lengshuikeng Stop: S 15 main line, 108 (shuttle bus)
  2. Mt. Qixing bus stop: 108 (shuttle bus), 1717 Royal Bus (Taipei to Jinshan)
  3. 3. Yangmingshan Bus Station: R5 (MRT Jiangtan Station to Yangmingshan), 108 (shuttle bus), 260 main line (Dongyuan, Taipei Main Station to Yangmingshan)
  4. Yangmingshan Stop: R5 (MRT Jiangtan Station to Yangmingshan), 230 (MRT Beitou Station to Yangmingshan), 260 main line (Dongyuan, Taipei Main Station to Yangmingshan), S 8 (MRT Shipai Station to Zhuzihu), S 9 (MRT Fuxing Station to Zhuzihu), 1717 Royal Bus (Taipei to Jinshan)

Get on 108 park bus at the Yangmingshan main bus terminal

By car

This trail starts from the Mt. Qixing bus stop and ends at Lengshuikeng. Visitors traveling with their own vehicles can park at any nearby parking lot and take the 108 shuttle bus back.

  1. Shilin→ Fulin Road→Yangde Boulevard → Shanzaihou → Jingshan Road, Lane 101 → Lengshuikeng (or Chung-San Hall → Xinyuan Street access road → Jingshan Road, Lane 101 → Lengshuikeng)
  2. Tamsui, Sanzhi → 101 County Highway → 101A County Highway (Bailaka Highway) → Yangjin Highway → Zhonghu → Zhonghu Road of Armaments → Lengshuikeng
  3. Jinshan → Yangjin Highway → Bayan → Macao Bridge → Zhonghu → Zhonghu Road of Armaments → Lengshuikeng (or Yangjin Highway → Xiaoyoukeng Bridge Parking Lot of Xiaoguanyin Parking Lot)
  4. Beitou → Xinbeitou → Quanyuan Road → Dingbi Bridge → Shamao Road → Yangjin Highway → Chung-San Hall → Xinyuan Street access road → Jingshan Road, Lane 101 → Lengshuikeng (or Yangjin Highway → Xiaoyoukeng Bridge Parking Lot or Xiaoguanyin Parking Lot)
  1. Menghuan Pond Parking Lot (bottom of Menghuan Pond's northeast slope)
  2. Lengshuikeng Parking Lot No.1 (in front of Lengshuikeng visitor center / parking fees apply)
  3. Lengshuikeng Parking Lot No. 2 (opposite Lengshuikeng hot spring public baths)
  4. Xiaoguanyin Parking Lot (next to the 1717 Royal Bus Xiaoyoukeng bus stop)
  5. Xiaoyoukeng Parking Lot (in front of Xiaoyoukeng visitor center)
  • Indian forest skink
    Indian forest skink

    Lizards and snakes are the most commonly seen reptiles in Yangmingshan. Walking along the trails, visitors will sometimes see the Indian forest skink. Its body is brown with numerous little black spots. A wide black band runs down the sides of its body.

  • Japanese white-eye
    Japanese white-eye

    The entire body is green except for the abdomen, which is white; it also has a white circle around the eyes. The white-eye is often mistaken for the grey-cheeked fulvetta, the white-bellied erpornis, and other birds. Thin and pointy beak; fine white hairs around the eyes. Habitat is mainly forests, and it mostly feeds on insects and fruits.

  • Great Mormon
    Great Mormon

    The Great Mormon is a commonly seen butterfly within Yangmingshan. Its elegant flight has earned it the nickname 'gentleman butterfly' among photography enthusiasts. Male butterflies do not have tail; there are two types of females, with or without tails. They also exhibit diverse variations in color. Peak season for the Great Mormon is July to August.

  • Pomponia fusca
    Pomponia fusca

    This is a large cicada species. They have dark-green heads and brown bodies with green patterns. A yellow stripe runs down the center of the head and face. The cicada is three to five centimeters long and can be found around Yangmingshan from June to September. Their numbers are greatest from July to August. Their call is very noisy. In fact, the Pomponia fusca is the noisiest cicada in Taiwan.

  • Taiwanese gordonia
    Taiwanese gordonia

    Latin name: Gordonia axillaris (Roxb.) Dietr. Like the Theaceae family, Taiwan gordonia’s entire flowers fall off when withering instead of petal by petal. Its large, single-petal flower always attracts visitors' attention. Flowering season is from November to February. Fruits are oval-shaped capsules. Seeds are oblong and resemble the samara of Aceraceae species.

  • Oldham's rhododendron
    Oldham's rhododendron

    Latin name: Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim. Oldham's rhododendron is a large evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae with heights reaching 3 meters. Lanceolate leaves with a paper-like texture grow on the branches. The leaves can be elongated ovals to an oval, egg-like shape. The entire shrub is covered with yellow-brown glandular hairs (trichomes). One to three flowers grow on each inflorescence. The corolla is red and about 4 centimeters wide. Flowering season is from March to April. When in full bloom, the sight of its bright red flowers juxtaposed with the green leaves of neighboring fragrant maple is quite beautiful.

  • Assam indigo
    Assam indigo

    Latin name: Strobilanthes flaccidifolius Nees The Assam indigo is also called “Shanlan” or “mountain indigo” because it cannot tolerate direct sunlight and is found on the shady side of hills and low altitude mountains. It is a genus of herbaceous plants in the family Acanthaceae and, as a perennial, it prefers wet, shady, and cold environments, or humid areas next to creeks. It is an important plant used in the creation of blue dyes.

  • Narrow-petaled hydrangea
    Narrow-petaled hydrangea

    Latin name: Hydrangea angustipetala Hayata The narrow-petaled hydrangea belongs to the family Saxifragaceae. It ranges from shrubs to small trees with pairs of perpendicular leaves. The arched leaves are yellow-green with fuzzy hairs at the intersection of the ridges. The flowering season is from May to July. The white, flower petal-like growths are in actuality sepals specialized into bracts. The real flowers, small and yellow, are unremarkable and easily overlooked. The exaggerated bracts attract pollinators.

  • Bird-lime tree
    Bird-lime tree

    Latin name: Trochodendron aralioides Sieb. & Zucc. The bird-lime tree is a large tree species characterized by its lack of perianth; however, it still attracts insects with nectar secreted by its stamens. The stamens are shaped like car wheels, so it is also called “mountain car” in Chinese. In Taiwan, the bird-lime trees grow in the Formosan cypress forests in moderate altitudes of 1,800 to 2,200 meters above sea level. In the Yangmingshan area they can be seen in large forests at an altitude of 600 to 1,000 meters. The trees bloom in April. Its thick and leathery leaves are long and eclipsed.

  • Silver-grass

    Latin name: Miscanthus sinensis Anders. Silver-grass is a hardy pioneer species that grows quickly and spectacularly in reclaimed land, wastelands, and collapsed land. The flowers in the Yangmingshan area bloom bright red because of the sulfuric gases in the area, distinguishing it from regular plain-white blossoms.

  • Japanese euscaohis
    Japanese euscaohis

    Latin name: Euscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz Japanese euscaohis is scattered about the Datun Volcano Group and prefers the border of forests and along footpaths. In autumn when the fruit ripen, the red fruit splits open to reveal the adorable black seeds inside. The glossy and leathery leaves are hypanthium. In the winter they turn from a lush green to yellow and fall leaf by leaf.