The Longfenggu Visitor Center is located at the southwest side of Yangmingshan National Park. It is at the junction of Quanyuan Road and Xingyi Road and is diagonally across the road from Dunxu Industrial and Commercial Vocational School. The Longfenggu Farmer's Market and an ecologically diverse foothill park are located next to the center.
Address: No. 200 Quanyuan Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11247
Hours of Operation: 09:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Closed on the last Monday of every month (if a national holiday falls on a Monday, this area will also be closed on Tuesday) and Lunar New Year's Eve.
Tel: (02) 2893-5580; Fax: (02) 2894-5172
E-mail: yms17@mail.ymsnp.gov.tw
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Liuhuanggu geothermal scenic area is on the southern flank of Mt. Shibafen (Mt. Zhongzheng) of the Datun mountain range. Located on the south side of Quanyuan Road and the north of Mt. Shitan and Dapaoyan, west of Xinyi Road and Dunxu High School, Xinyi Creek flows through the area and is the upstream of Beitou's Huanggang Creek. The valley is about 1 km long and 80-200 meters wide and has many volcanic fumaroles and artificial geothermal hot springs (under the management of the Taipei City Department of Water). White smoke fills the area with plumes of slowly rising from the valley to form a magnificent view. The artificial hot springs here are managed by the Taipei City Department of Water and are the source of the Beitou Hot Springs. There are trails, pavilions, interpretation sign posts, observation decks, a parking lot, and toilets.
Mt. Shamao is located southwest of Mt. Qixing and is 643 meters above sea level. It is a conic volcano and a parasite volcano of Mt. Qixing, and is composed of mainly Hornblende Two-Pyroxene Andesite. The hallowed mountaintop was formed when molten lava cooling shrank. From a distance the mountain looks like an ancient Chinese official's gauze hat (wu-sha-mao), hence the name Mt. Shamao. It is a water source and protected forest area and because of the stringent protection Mt. Shamao has not been the victim of over-clearing and remains relatively intact. The forest is quite dense and is a good place for outdoor education.
The calla lily season at Zhuzihu (usually from late March to late April) comes after the flowering season at Yangmingshan (usually from mid to late February to late March) and is an important event for Taipei's flowering season. Every year, the Taipei City Government sets up a calla lily exhibition at Zhuzihu's entrance. The pure and elegant white calla lilies create a welcoming image for visitors and calla lily-related activities are organized in order to bring visitors a beautiful, unique and memorable experience.
Located approximately 1.8 km below the Yangmingshuwu is the Houshan Park part of Yangming Park. It is under the jurisdiction of the Taipei City Government Yangming Park Headquarters. The most famous sight in the park is the flower clock, made with seasonal flowers and plays music at regular intervals. The flower clock is a popular tourist site and photo spot. In addition, the nearby Datun Waterfall trail on the west side of the stream is adjacent to the landslide-slip geological sensitive region, steep, slippery and often falling rocks. The side slope collapsed and the base was eroded away in quite a few places. Please take the trailhead at Zhongxing Rd. to visit Datun Waterfall recreation area. Yangming Park is divided into Qianshan and Houshan Parks. Qianshan Park is next to the Yangmingshan Bus Station and has a swimming pool, skating rink, basketball courts, slides, public toilets and other facilities. It also has one male and one female hot spring baths, attracting bathing visitors every day of the week.
Located at the south entrance of the Park, Chung-San Hall was commissioned and built in 1965 to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen's 100th birthday by the famous architect Xiu Zelan. Because the building is surrounded by mountains, coupled with its magnificent and forceful outer appearance and its elegant decor and furnishings, over the years it has became one of the country's famous landmarks. The image of the Chung-San Hall is on the back of the 100 New Taiwan dollar notes currently in circulation.
Built in 1969, Yangmingshuwu was once a summer home and where VIPs were received by former President Chiang Kai-shek. Today, it is one of the important cultural and historical sites of Yangmingshan National Park, featuring both natural and human history. It is an intellectual and sentimental recreational site.
Longfenggu and the Chinese Culture University
View of Longfenggu's Liuhuanggu (by Amy Tan)
Liuhuanggu scenic area entrance
Liuhuanggu pavilion
Mt. Shamao
Flower Clock
Xingyi Creek
The top of its head is brown, its cheeks are white with black spots, the sides of its body are a medley of browns, and its belly is white. Moves about the ground by jumping and skipping. Its beak is shaped like a triangular cone. The sparrow can often be seen skipping about on the ground in areas populated by people or nearby reclaimed land.
Has a tuft of distinctive white feathers behind its head. Body mainly gray-green; the edge of its wings are olive green. Is one of the major pioneering bird species. A medium sized bird with a slightly slender body; the tip of its beak curves downward. Short wings, slightly long tail feathers, short legs.
The Grey treepie has a brown-gray body that is gray from the top of the head to the neck. Its wings and tail are black, and it has white spots on its wings. Its tail feathers are especially long. The center of its abdomen and upper portion of its tail are gray-white. It has a thick and powerful beak that is slightly bent downwards and a long tail. Most have bristles from the base of their beak to their nostrils. Omnivorous. Largely arboreal and highly vigilant. Commonly found in forests. Nests on high branches; chicks are slow to mature.
A protected species endemic to Taiwan. Its tail is approximately 2/3 the length of its body. It weighs about five to twelve kilograms and has short forelimbs and long hind legs as well as a thick and furry tail. Its coat turns grayer in winter and greener in summer. Not commonly seen in Yangmingshan. Only reported sightings have been at Lujiakeng, Mt. Shamao, and Mt. Zhongzheng.
The most commonly seen wild animal in the forest, the squirrel has a brown body and a distinctive red-brown stomach. They can be seen climbing up tree trunks or prancing among the branches with their bushy gray tails in regions at sea level as well as in the central mountain range up to an altitude of 2,000 meters.
Latin name: Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Trema tomentosa is a commonly seen pioneer plant found in low altitude plains. Due to its height, the tree is often a canopy tree species in reclaimed land and secondary forests. The bark has tumor-like lenticels.
Latin name: Macaranga tanarius (L.) Muell.-Arg. The elephant's ear is an evergreen tree. It is a native species common to low altitudes and is a pioneer species for secondary environments. When the tree's branches are cut, at first the sap is translucent but soon oxidizes to a red color resembling blood, which is why it is also called the “bloody tong tree” in Chinese.
Latin name: Gordonia axillaris (Roxb.) Dietr. Like the Theaceae family, Taiwan gordonia’s entire flowers fall off when withering instead of petal by petal. Its large, single-petal flower always attracts visitors' attention. Flowering season is from November to February. Fruits are oval-shaped capsules. Seeds are oblong and resemble the samara of Aceraceae species.
Latin name: Pinus luchuensis Mayr. The trunk is straight and tall with a rough, gray-brown bark and cracked vertical grooves which flake off irregularly. Branches are categorized into long and short boughs. Branches are whorled and grow horizontally. These trees are currently at risk of contracting pine wood nematodes and each year many trees are infected and die.
Latin name: Melastoma candidum D. Don Known for its large, bright, and purple-red flowers, the common melastoma is a low altitude small evergreen shrub. After the long process of evolution the shrub has developed a remarkable adaptability with a high tolerance to acid, sulfur and infertile soil. It can be used as an indicator plant for acidic soils. It is also tolerant against pests, wind, and air pollution.
Latin name: Hydrangea angustipetala Hayata The narrow-petaled hydrangea belongs to the family Saxifragaceae. It ranges from shrubs to small trees with pairs of perpendicular leaves. The arched leaves are yellow-green with fuzzy hairs at the intersection of the ridges. The flowering season is from May to July. The white, flower petal-like growths are in actuality sepals specialized into bracts. The real flowers, small and yellow, are unremarkable and easily overlooked. The exaggerated bracts attract pollinators.
Latin name: Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm. The bat's wing fern is a perennial herb and grows on the edge of forests and sunny hillsides in the low to mid-altitude range. It has a long rhizome with brown scales. The petiole is thick, dark, and glossy. The leaves are part of the hypanthium, while the base pinnae form the stipe for support. The linear sori, protected by a film of indusium, appear along the leaf margin in continuous lines.